2020年3月4日 星期三

[瑜伽式子] 戰士三式 Warrior III Pose (中英文版)

英文:Warrior III
梵文:Virabhadrasna III



  • 始於山式 Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
    • 開始站立在山式姿勢 Mountain Pose (Tadasana) 中,雙腳分開約臀部的寛度,手臂放在兩側。平穩而平靜地呼吸,將您的意識帶進當下。
  • 戰士一式 Warrior I Pose (Virabhadrasana I)
    • 向右轉,兩腳分開約4至5英尺。 將左腳向外旋轉90度,使腳趾指向墊子的前部。
    • 右腳向內旋轉45度角。 將您的骨盆和軀幹指向與左腳趾指向相同的方向。
    • 將左膝蓋屈曲至左腳踝的上方,使脛骨與地板垂直。 兩手掌心互相對向及舉起手臂高舉,進入戰士I Warrior I Pose (Virabhadrasana I)。
  • 戰士三式 Warrior III Pose (Virabhadrasana III)
    • 將重心移往左腳。 降低軀幹時抬起右腿,使身體與地面平衡。 手臂仍然伸出,並將向前伸。
    • 屈曲右腳並通過腳後跟伸出,就好像在按後面的牆一樣。
    • 保持雙腿的肌肉力量,繼續抬高右腿時,請站立的腿拉直,但不要鎖定膝蓋,膝蓋保持輕鬆。
    • 努力使手臂、軀幹、臀部和抬高的腿與地板平衡。 或可能需要稍微降低抬高腿的臀部,以使臀部與墊子平衡。從指尖一直伸展到腳跟抬起的身體。
    • 並且集中注視身體前方的地板以保持身體平衡。

進入戰士三式後保持姿勢30秒鐘。 釋放時,呼氣,同時將右腳輕輕放回地板,再次進戰士一式 Warrior I Pose。放下手臂,向前進入山式 Mountain Pose。 在另一側重複相同的時間。


  • 鎖定或過度伸展支撐膝
    • 保持膝蓋稍微柔軟,以保護關節。 相反,應集中在抵抗小腿肌肉的小腿肌肉上以支撐身體。
  • 大腿過高
    • 您應該將整個身體對準與地面平行的直線。 抬高大腿會給下背部帶來壓力,或導致頭朝下傾斜。
  • 頸部位置
    • 您的頭應該與軀幹和脊椎對齊,不要低頭或彎腰,這會給您的頸部造成壓力。 保持凝視向下,頭頂指向相對的牆壁。


  • 理想的瑜伽戰士是一個雙腿強壯、站姿雄健堅定的戰士。加強腿部,腳踝,肩膀和背部。您的背部和腹部肌肉也可用於支撐和穩定姿勢。 肩部肌肉被接合以使手臂與地面平行。
  • 脊柱的彈性和身體應有的均勻對稱得到增進
  • 一個體態顯伸平衡稳固、內心和平寧靜
  • 調理整個身體,尤其是腹部,當把身後一條腿抬起來與地面平行,腹部自動收進來,腹部器官收縮,從而得到按摩和加強。
  • 提高記憶力和注意力,身心變得更警覺。您必須找到重心並不斷調整支撐以保持姿勢,因此您的平衡受到了嚴重挑戰。 通過這種姿勢獲得的平衡和靈活性可以幫助您獲得良好的姿勢,並應對日常生活中遇到的任何平衡挑戰。
  • 姿式幫助培養品質,鼓勵完成更好的姿勢。
  • 振奮精神。


  • 如果您有平衡困難,高血壓或臀部,膝蓋,腳踝,背部或肩膀受傷,請避免使用此姿勢。
  • 如果您懷孕了,請確保有椅子或支撐以防萬一您有平衡問題。
  • 如果您感到疼痛,請結束這個姿勢。

The Warrior III pose is a continuation of the Warrior I pose, an intermediate yoga balance pose, which integrates the entire core, all muscles of the arms and legs to create stability for the entire body.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  • Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
    • Starting position in Mountain Pose (Tadasana) with your feet apart about the height of your hips, keep your arms aside. Breathe smoothly and calmly to bring your awareness into the present moment.
  • Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I)
    • Turn right with your feel about 4 to 5 feet apart. Extend your left foot by 90 degrees and point your toes toward the front of the mat.
    • Turn your right foot inward at a 45 degrees. Point your pelvis and torso in the same direction as your left toes.
    • Flex your left knee over your left ankle so that your tibia is perpendicular to the floor. The palms facing each other and raise your arms overhead begin to the warrior I (Virabhadrasana I).
  • Warrior III (Virabhadrasana III)
    • Press your weight into your left foot. Lift your right leg while lowering your torso to balance your body, bringing your body parallel to the ground. The arm is still extended and will extend forward.
    • Flex your right foot and stick it out through your heels, as if pressing against the wall behind.
    • While maintaining the muscle strenght of your legs, continue to raise your standing leg and straighten it, but do not lock your knee forward and keep it relaxed.
    • Try to balance your arms, torso, hips, and raised legs with the floor. Or you may need to lower the hips of your raised legs slightly to balance the hips with the mat. Stretch your body from your fingertips to your heels.
    • And focus on the floor in front of your body to keep your balance.
Hold the pose for 30 seconds after entering Warrior III. When released, exhale, while gently lowering your right foot back to the floor, and enter Warrior I Pose again. Lower your arms and move forward into Mountain Pose. Repeat the same time on the opposite side.

Common Mistakes

Avoid these errors so you get the most from this pose and prevent strain or injury.
  • Locking or Hyperextending Supporting Knee
    • Keep your supporting knee slightly soft to pretect the joint. Instead, concentrate on the calf muscle resisting the shin muscle to support the body.
  • Upper Leg Too High
    • You should aim for your entire body to be parallel to the ground in a straight line. Raising your upper leg too high will stress the lower back or result in your head tipping down.
  • Neck Position
    • Your head should be in line with your torso and spine, not nodded down or cranked up, which can put stress on your neck. Keep your gaze down and the top of your head pointed at the opposite wall.

Benefits of Warrior III Pose

  • The ideal yoga warrior is a warrior with strong legs and strong standing posture. Strengthen legs, ankles, shoulders and back. Your back and abdomen muscles are also used in support and stabilizing the pose. The shoulder muscles are engaged to keep the arms parallel to the ground. 
  • Improved spinal elasticity and uniform symmetry.
  • A body that is balanced stable, peaceful and tranquility inside.
  • Condition the entire body, especially the abdomen. When one leg behind is lifted parallel to the ground, the abdomen is automatically retracted, and the abdominal organs are contracted, so as to be massaged and strengthened.
  • Improve memory and concentration, become more alert both physically and mentally. Your balance is strongly challenged as you must find your center of gravity and continuously adjust the support to maintain the pose. The balance and flexibility gained with this pose can help you achieve good posture and respond to any balance challenges in daily life.
  • Posture helps cultivate quality and encourages better posture.
  • Invigorates and energizes.

Safety and Precautions

  • Avoid this pose if you have balance difficulties, high blood pressure, or an injury to the hip, knee, ankle, back, or shoulder. 
  • If you are pregnant, be sure that you have a chair or support in case you have balance issues. 
  • End this pose if you feel any pain.

