2021年10月14日 星期四

旋轉頭踫膝式 Revolved Head to Knee Pose


英文:Revolved Head to Knee Pose

梵文:Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana

這個姿勢的梵文名稱“Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana”來自四個詞:






膝頭旋轉式是一種深蹲坐姿,可以拉伸整個身體,增強腿部和核心力量。 這是前屈膝姿勢(Janu Sirsasana)的變化體式,它加深了膕繩肌和脊柱的伸展,同時提供了脊柱扭轉的所有好處。


  • 側彎姿勢有助解除肩關節的束縛
  • 這個姿勢伸展膕繩肌,打開肩膀、胸部和腹股溝。 
  • 側面伸展可以幫助打開你的胸腔,並可以改善你的呼吸。 
  • 作為脊柱扭轉,傳統上認為它可以改善消化並緩解頭痛和失眠。 
  • 它也被認為是一種平靜的姿勢。 
  • 如果您的工作是整天坐著,或者如果您因跑步等運動而導致膕繩肌緊張,那麼伸展運動的感覺會很棒。

  • 兩側坐骨緊貼地面—側彎動作會集中於脊椎
  • 彎曲腿旳坐骨抬離地面—側彎動作就會更深入伸直腿的後側及髖關節
  • 當肩關節的屈曲受限,讓肩胛骨側彎通常可以增加它的活動度。

The Sanskrit name for this pose, "Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana" comes from four words:

“Parivrtta” — meaning “revolved”
“Janu” — meaning “knee”
“Sirsa” — meaning “head”
“Asana” — meaning “pose”

The Revolved Head to Knee Pose (Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana) involves a forward bend with a twist to give you a great stretch. You will most often see it in the second half of a yoga session after your body has had time to warm up. It is a good addition to include in a seated yoga practice.

Revolved Head to Knee Pose is a deep, seated twist that stretches the whole body, and strengthens your legs and core. It's a powerful variation of the forward fold, Head-of-Knee Pose (Janu Sirsasana), that deepens the stretch to the hamstrings and spine, while providing all of the benefits of a spinal twist.

  • This pose stretches the hamstrings and opens the shoulders, chest, and groin. 
  • The side stretch can help open up your ribcage and could improve your breathing. 
  • As a spinal twist, it traditionally is believed to improve digestion and relieve headaches and insomnia. 
  • It is also considered to be a calming pose. 
  • The stretch feels great if you have a job where you sit all day or if you have tight hamstrings from sports such as running.

